What in the fucking hell. . . . . . .
god provides.
What in the fucking hell. . . . . . .
of the 50% of congregants who regularly participate, many of them give gushing answers about how appreciative they are, how wonderful jw.org is and so on, which makes me think nobody in my congregation is awake.
but maybe it's possible for someone who comes across as super spiritual to be awake?
i can't see how, though, as surely it's emotionally draining to fake it like that?
I think that sometimes they gush like billy-o to cover over their doubts - to convince themselves as much as anyone else. - PUNK
I think PUNK's comment is spot on, but this is regarding someone with doubts.
As for those awakening/awakened (e.g. my wife) they do not comment at all, let alone give gushing comments.
I think my wife would rather vomit.
i've been watching quite a bit of gb member stephen lett on youtube recently (no, i'm not thinking of going back to the jws).. i just find him compulsive viewing, like when people slow down to see a car crash.
i find his facial expressions and intonation spell-binding.. it reminds me a bit of john carpenter's the thing, a film where an alien life-form infects a host and imitates it, spreading throughout camps of remote workers in the antarctic.
if i were a bethelite living in close proximity to lett, i'd be thinking about giving him the blood test to see if he was normal, lol.. why does lett speak in public the way he does?
He speaks like that because one of his family members growing up had a hearing and speech problem. So he exaggerates his speech in because that is how he grew up so that, the family member could understand him.
This is absolute bullshit.
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
You`re using a Strawman Argument, to refute a Strawman Argument. -- OUTLAW
OUTLAW -- I'm sorry, but I also have to take issue with the fact that you cited Wikipedia's "Straw Man" argument page.
You should have cited Wikipedia's entry for "Fucktard."
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Oh good.
Our two in-house lawyers have arrived to clear things up for us.
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Although viewing child pornography is not considered to be child sexual abuse, it is still a serious violation of Jehovah’s standards. A person involved in viewing child pornography should be strongly counseled.
This is amazing. They have to be the most ignorant people on the face of the earth.
As a side note:
Years ago, a MS in a nearby congregation was busted by the authorities for downloading and spreading child pornography -- it was in the local papers and everything. What did the elders do? Nothing, other than remove him as MS. He was "repentant" and they (supposedly) could find nothing in the elder's book to nail him on.
He ended up going to prison for a few years, and is now out. He is in the online sex offender registry for the state. Thank god for Satan's worldly governmental authorities.
i thought this was a good video showing how the logic is faulty from the gb.
just bare with lett for a minute.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1otsrp0bp4.
SCRATCHME1010 - Love the side-by-side comparison.
Same shit, different cult.
so i called in to my local walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled.
i go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate".
i asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
Great to hear you're trying to turn things around LTPF. I do indeed wish you the best!
I don't think I've ever mentioned my "drinking history" here before. . . .
I really didn't drink much at all up until my early 30's, which I suppose was a good start. I'd buy a bottle of wine every now and then, and it would turn to vinegar before I ever finished it.
Then I became an elder. . . . .
It didn't start right away, but towards the end of my stint as an elder (right before I had a nervous breakdown), I went from not finishing a bottle of wine before it turned, to finishing half a bottle a night, to a bottle a night (not every night though).
After I stepped down, I was still an emotional wreck and used drinking to calm myself down quite frequently. Even so, it was certainly not a daily thing. Maybe 3-4 nights a week. There were also times I went for months without a drop to drink.
Pretty much stayed that way for years. Then a couple of years ago some major family stuff happened (I have not talked about this either here) and I started drinking every day.
Fortunately, I'm not on any medications, but even so, some of my most recent blood tests have showed elevated liver enzymes. . . . and even though they were just borderline, this has really freaked me out.
So, the other week I told my wife that I really need to cut WAY back, and to please remind me if it seems I'm falling back into this really bad pattern.
For the past week or so, I have had nothing to drink during weekdays, and I'll treat myself to a few pints of my favorite local craft beer on the weekends.
I've cut out hard liquor entirely (the daily vodka/gin martini ritual is done. Those were so tasty though .. . . . )
So, I guess what I'm saying is that you're not alone in this battle. Keep at it!
i want to send a disassociation letter to the elders at my old congregation.
how do i address it and what wording do i use?
i know it's not something i have to do, it's symbolic for me.
Dear Brothers,
. . . . .
we leave friday for his disney cruise wish.
he's also a big star wars fan, and they have a star wars day on one of the seafaring days.
to say we are all looking forward to this is an understatement.
Awesome! Enjoy.